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Sunday, March 14, 2010

We do not have any lesson or activities today, thus, it’s our free and easy day!!!~

we woke up at 12pm, and head off to ‘jiang han lu bu xing jie’

At first, I thought it will be a very fun day again because the previous time we went to the same place, we enjoy ourselves to the fullest.

However, it didn’t go as what I thought.

We went to shop around a shopping mall. The student leaders say that they will be bringing us to ‘A grade’ of designer goods. In the end, they practically tour us around the shopping mall, walking aimlessly. After that, we went to another shopping mall, continue walking aimlessly.

Then, I wanted to went to the street to shop as there are more varieties and cheaper, but it’s a raining day, so the street stalls didn’t open. The street stalls is similar to Singapore’s ‘pasa malam’ or Taiwan’s ‘ye shi’, ‘night market’.

Since it didn’t open, we head to eat our dinner. I didn’t eat lunch and by the time we are looking for dinner, is 8pm plus already. Making us feel so hungry.

By then, I am very pissed off already. As we didn’t get a chance to shop what we wanted, getting very hungry, didn’t have proper meals, and it keep on raining none stop. In the end, we head back to ‘duo luo jie’ to eat our dinner. It’s 9 already. Didn’t eat for a whole day, and eat supper at 9pm. Angry Angry !!


I think this is the first time I am angry since I step until wuhan till now. As in not angry, but pissed off.

In wuhan, I have nobody to rely on. No buddy to turn to, no family to be there for me.

I felt so alone and difficult. I guess this is part of training in life.

I hope to go back to Singapore now. In this trip, there’s good and bad things that happened.

Good things are I experience new things and made new friends.

Bad things are when I am down, nobody I can rely on and many more.

I hope the days down the road, I will be happy and learn more things. Takecare ~

the auntie throw the thing she cook on the street
the cute cakes available in wuhan
they say this is a very nice food retail store
the guy is so tired waiting for the girls to shop. hahaha~
the lady advertising their capabilities of wedding gowns

Stopped singing @ 9:25 PM

That Lady

Her parents name her Cynthia
She's born on 121o91
& currently eighteen
She's currenly with a SPECIAL FRIEND :DD
If you dislike her, please click here


I ♥ Sleeping
I ♥ beBe
I ♥ Music
I ♥ Family
I ♥ Laughing :)

Craving ♥

x Burberry speedy style medium size
x gpa = 3.5 [[: :DD
x car lisence :DD
O Gucci Tote bag
x make more friends
x PINK stuff ((:

Scream :D

BaoBei ♥

Friends :D
Mei Xiu
Si Hao
Tee Li
Wen Jie
Yan Ting
Music Box ♥

Insert your music code here :)

Memories :D

Mar 4, 2010
Mar 5, 2010
Mar 6, 2010
Mar 7, 2010
Mar 8, 2010
Mar 9, 2010
Mar 10, 2010
Mar 11, 2010
Mar 12, 2010
Mar 13, 2010
Mar 14, 2010
Mar 15, 2010
Mar 16, 2010
Mar 17, 2010
Mar 18, 2010
Mar 19, 2010
Mar 20, 2010
Mar 21, 2010
Mar 22, 2010
Mar 23, 2010
Mar 24, 2010
Mar 25, 2010
Mar 26, 2010
Mar 27, 2010
Mar 28, 2010
Mar 29, 2010
Mar 30, 2010
Mar 31, 2010
Apr 1, 2010
Apr 2, 2010
Apr 3, 2010
Apr 4, 2010
Apr 5, 2010
Apr 6, 2010
Apr 7, 2010
Apr 8, 2010
Apr 9, 2010
Apr 10, 2010
Apr 11, 2010
Apr 12, 2010
Apr 13, 2010