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Friday, March 19, 2010

Wow! Can you imagine we sit in the bus for full 6 hours for 28.64km?

and yes, indeed we travel for that long sitting in a coach.

we dislike the arrangement, because we take 2 days to travel just to see three gorges.

and yes again, I know three gorges is very famous, and it’s worth seeing it.

I woke up early morning at 11am, start to prepare and most important thing is ….


hahahas. The first thing I woke up, they ask me to check results from email immediately.

at first, Janice tried to help me check, but couldn’t get through.

then, soon ling help me again, also cannot.

in the end, Winnie manage to get through, and help me check my results.

guess what I got?? Hahas.

I think I don’t exposed out better.

are you feeling the urge to know my results now??

okay, I am a bit crazy tonight. Pardon me for this once. Hahas~

but let me continue a little bit more for my result before I move on alright.

I get 3._ for current semester. From 3.8 drop until 3._.

and indeed…. MY RESULTS DROPPED!!!!

How how? Anybody can help me from being demoralize?

nevermind. I recovered very soon. I will work harder next semester.

my goal for next semester it to pay attention in class, do more assignments. Hehes~

I am too distracted this semester already. I have been going night life and doing things I should not be doing. So, I will cut down and be a good girl. Work hard and play hard.

Okay, I shall end my crap and continue the event of the day.

After that, I went to bathe, head down to ‘duo luo jie’ to buy food to eat, and packet to the coach.

the coach driver said we are not allowed to eat in the coach.

so we brought up drinks and snacks only.

Sit in the coach for 2 hours, then toilet break, and 2 hours again, then eat, and 2 hours, then we manage to reach cruise. A total of 7 hours, because add 1 hour of dinner time. Reach there about 7 plus.

I know that Miss Neo is a bit unhappy with us, as the group always doesn’t move quickly and together in a team. With this, it creates inconvenience and minor problems.

Because when we entering the cruise entrance gate, there was someone that cut into our group, and split our group into half. And the tour guide didn’t inform the staff properly.

Actually I think today was the tour guide fault. She didn’t inform the staff properly.

But our group is also at fault as if we walked close enough, we know what’s happening around also.

So I was in the first half group with Miss Neo. The tour guide lead us to check in our room first. Me and WeiQin stay together in room 436. The room looks more classic than our hostel, only it’s too small and the lock isn’t safe. The toilet was very small, I can’t even bathe properly inside. To add on, our room has no warm water, so we only can bathe in cold water in cold weather. =(

the worse thing is after bathe, the toilet will flood, as there is no holes for the water to leak down.

it will evaporate itself after sometime. Basically, after 1 person bathe, the 2nd person cannot use the toilet already.

Upon reaching, we walked around to view the facilities inside, gather to chit chat and eat. Okay, time check: 12.35am. it’s time for me to sleep, tomorrow need to wake up at 6am. Nights!~

we have dinner at this restaurant ~
the dishes we had for dinner
the restaurant ambiance
and the restaurant atmosphere!~ nice right?
our toilet. small right? is to bathe and shit and wash face. oh my lady gaga~
the highway on the way to cruise

Stopped singing @ 6:10 AM

That Lady

Her parents name her Cynthia
She's born on 121o91
& currently eighteen
She's currenly with a SPECIAL FRIEND :DD
If you dislike her, please click here


I ♥ Sleeping
I ♥ beBe
I ♥ Music
I ♥ Family
I ♥ Laughing :)

Craving ♥

x Burberry speedy style medium size
x gpa = 3.5 [[: :DD
x car lisence :DD
O Gucci Tote bag
x make more friends
x PINK stuff ((:

Scream :D

BaoBei ♥

Friends :D
Mei Xiu
Si Hao
Tee Li
Wen Jie
Yan Ting
Music Box ♥

Insert your music code here :)

Memories :D

Mar 4, 2010
Mar 5, 2010
Mar 6, 2010
Mar 7, 2010
Mar 8, 2010
Mar 9, 2010
Mar 10, 2010
Mar 11, 2010
Mar 12, 2010
Mar 13, 2010
Mar 14, 2010
Mar 15, 2010
Mar 16, 2010
Mar 17, 2010
Mar 18, 2010
Mar 19, 2010
Mar 20, 2010
Mar 21, 2010
Mar 22, 2010
Mar 23, 2010
Mar 24, 2010
Mar 25, 2010
Mar 26, 2010
Mar 27, 2010
Mar 28, 2010
Mar 29, 2010
Mar 30, 2010
Mar 31, 2010
Apr 1, 2010
Apr 2, 2010
Apr 3, 2010
Apr 4, 2010
Apr 5, 2010
Apr 6, 2010
Apr 7, 2010
Apr 8, 2010
Apr 9, 2010
Apr 10, 2010
Apr 11, 2010
Apr 12, 2010
Apr 13, 2010