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Monday, April 5, 2010

Wake up at 8.20am to prepare and head to classroom.

once we reach classroom, Miss Neo started to debrief us upon the OIP trip and evaluate on the OIP.
after that, we started to practice on 2009 exam paper.

We did on ourselves, then Miss Neo discuss the answer with us.
finally project management have come to an end, we only left project presentation which is tomorrow, and exam test when we go back Singapore then we sit for the exam paper.

Project Management is a module that we can apply in our daily life, and in the future job.
after learning Project Management, I hope to learn more about it, and hope that I can work as Project Manager in the future.
it’s tedious to brainstorm on Work breakdown structure and statement of work.
the rest are basically calculation. I am better in handling calculation.
as for using Microsoft project, it’s easy to enter the details, and setting the stuff, but some of the mistakes which are difficult to amend are the resources, for example, after auto resource level by the Microsoft, it might not be what we want.
last but not least, for the theory part, which is leadership, communication, team and diversity are the factor of being a good and leading project manager.
I really love this module and hope to be a project manager.

Next on, I would like to say about what I think about this trip.
so far, I enjoy Miss Neo being our OIP leader.
she understand what we want.
as a lecturer, she did her part by teaching us.
whenever we got question for her, she will have lots of patient to teach us till we understand.
she also went out to eat with us, which some lecturer won’t do it.

She joke with us, laugh with us when out of classroom.
in class, she teach us the knowledge we should have.
overall, the most I have learnt in this OIP is to be punctual.
I realized that being punctual not only give others good impression,
but it won’t delay others and create unnecessary inconvenience for others.

I also learnt to tolerate the discomfort that I faced in china.
for example, when we go out in clique, we were pushed up to the bus by others,
but you just got to blend in and accept their culture.
it’s not what they want also, but this is the place they live in,
they grow up in this kind of environment,
thus, they are use to it already.

I am now more comfortable with meeting people alone even they are strangers.
for example, everytime I go overseas, my father will communicate with other taxi driver to learn about their culture and etc, but I didn’t.
I just sit by the side to listen as I don’t dare to voice out.
but for this trip, I chat with the taxi driver, chat with the hair dresser about how much they earn and how much is their oil charge or vehicle cost.
they told me that oil is extremely cheap here as compared to Singapore.
and the vehicle cost about RMB$30,000.
and the hairdresser salary is about RMB 2k to 3k.

Ok, let’s not talk more about it already.
after classes, we went off to bunk to put our stuff and went out immediately so that we can come back to do our project.
we went to 销品茂 to shop for 特产 and biscuits to bring back to Singapore for my relatives and friends.
we were so pissed off when we leaving the shopping mall because no taxi wants to fetch us.
they say we got too many cartons and it cannot be place into the taxi.
so we try again and again.
finally, we got 1 kind soul willing to fetch us back to our hostel.

After getting back to hostel, we saw hazel they all and asked them help us carry.
thank for their help, or not I think we need to run a few trip before we can carry everything up.
after reaching the hostel and rest awhile, I went over to hazel and charmaine room to sum up our project.
we do until about 12 plus, and then me and ron went back to our bunk.
I guess everyone were tired after clearing the project.
went back to bunk and sleep immediately.

Overall, I must say my group is very cooperative.
they are willing to help each other.
we assign task to everyone, and everyone do already, meet up and compile.
we also meet up to discuss whenever we need to.
thanks for everyone team spirit, we did so well all thanks to everyone. =)


the new luggage i bought ~
the new heels i bought
we bought a lot of biscuits and put it in carton
so sad, need to eat on the floor cause our bunk to squeezy already.
busy packing
trying to open all the box and throw away so that will lighten the total check in weight.

Stopped singing @ 7:43 AM

That Lady

Her parents name her Cynthia
She's born on 121o91
& currently eighteen
She's currenly with a SPECIAL FRIEND :DD
If you dislike her, please click here


I ♥ Sleeping
I ♥ beBe
I ♥ Music
I ♥ Family
I ♥ Laughing :)

Craving ♥

x Burberry speedy style medium size
x gpa = 3.5 [[: :DD
x car lisence :DD
O Gucci Tote bag
x make more friends
x PINK stuff ((:

Scream :D

BaoBei ♥

Friends :D
Mei Xiu
Si Hao
Tee Li
Wen Jie
Yan Ting
Music Box ♥

Insert your music code here :)

Memories :D

Mar 4, 2010
Mar 5, 2010
Mar 6, 2010
Mar 7, 2010
Mar 8, 2010
Mar 9, 2010
Mar 10, 2010
Mar 11, 2010
Mar 12, 2010
Mar 13, 2010
Mar 14, 2010
Mar 15, 2010
Mar 16, 2010
Mar 17, 2010
Mar 18, 2010
Mar 19, 2010
Mar 20, 2010
Mar 21, 2010
Mar 22, 2010
Mar 23, 2010
Mar 24, 2010
Mar 25, 2010
Mar 26, 2010
Mar 27, 2010
Mar 28, 2010
Mar 29, 2010
Mar 30, 2010
Mar 31, 2010
Apr 1, 2010
Apr 2, 2010
Apr 3, 2010
Apr 4, 2010
Apr 5, 2010
Apr 6, 2010
Apr 7, 2010
Apr 8, 2010
Apr 9, 2010
Apr 10, 2010
Apr 11, 2010
Apr 12, 2010
Apr 13, 2010