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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Today wake up at 8.30am and reach class by 9am.

we reach class, and draw lots, to see which group present first.
unfortunately, my group get the first to go
don’t know whether to say it’s fortunate or unfortunate.
but it’s good that we go first.
get over and done with. =)

Our group presented successfully. Other group also.
after the presentation, Miss Neo briefly tell us what we need to alert for the rest of the days and notes on departure.
Then everything finally ended.

Basically after doing this project, I realized that it isn’t as easy as what we do on paper.
hands-on is far more difficult than just doing on paper.

On written test, we do not need to the software to help us do the resource leveling, brainstorming the work breakdown structure, but in project, we need to do everything by ourselves.
so difficult. =(

After the interim presentation, we learnt more about project management.
now, for this final presentation, we double check the work, check the date and screen through everything before submitting.
unlike the first time, we were so blur and don’t know what to do, where we went wrong.

Anyway, after classes, we went back to our bunk.
I guess everyone went out, except our clique.
because some need to update the report, and for me, I need to pack my luggage stuff a bit.
I need to gauge how many more I can buy, and how much money I should change.

After packing for hours, I went to weigh.
it’s only 26kg. hooray!
I still can buy more.
cause my friend going to check in 1 carton for me, and I haven’t include the hand carry.
so I am going to continue buying. Hehehe!~

After packing, I went to do treatment for my hair.
anyway, I chatted with the hairstylist manager today.
he is very impressed with how we can have so many different races living together.
I explained to him in the past, we are actually divided.
like most Chinese are in Chinatown, india in little india, and malay in Mustafa.
but now, we are neighbours side by side.
and in school, we are also going in cliques.
never leave out each other because of the skin color.
he is very impressed with what Singapore is and what we have develop.

In the NE message:
We must preserve racial and religious harmony.
We value our diversity and are determined to stay a united people.

This NE message is very true.
as a Singaporean, we must keep our racial harmony.
every single race should be together without any stereotype.
we should treasure that we live in a country that all races are united and count as 1.

Next, we also discussed about the business culture.
he taught me some values and tell me that I will success in the future.
but he also say, don’t aim so high.
because when you are too far from your goals, you won’t want to bother to reach it.
just take 1 step at a time, so that I can success.
he is older than me 9 years old, but he look very young and Korean type.
hehes~ nice to talk to a hairstylist manager.

After making my hair, I went to eat noodles and head back to hostel.
let’s end my day. Nights!

Stopped singing @ 10:56 PM

That Lady

Her parents name her Cynthia
She's born on 121o91
& currently eighteen
She's currenly with a SPECIAL FRIEND :DD
If you dislike her, please click here


I ♥ Sleeping
I ♥ beBe
I ♥ Music
I ♥ Family
I ♥ Laughing :)

Craving ♥

x Burberry speedy style medium size
x gpa = 3.5 [[: :DD
x car lisence :DD
O Gucci Tote bag
x make more friends
x PINK stuff ((:

Scream :D

BaoBei ♥

Friends :D
Mei Xiu
Si Hao
Tee Li
Wen Jie
Yan Ting
Music Box ♥

Insert your music code here :)

Memories :D

Mar 4, 2010
Mar 5, 2010
Mar 6, 2010
Mar 7, 2010
Mar 8, 2010
Mar 9, 2010
Mar 10, 2010
Mar 11, 2010
Mar 12, 2010
Mar 13, 2010
Mar 14, 2010
Mar 15, 2010
Mar 16, 2010
Mar 17, 2010
Mar 18, 2010
Mar 19, 2010
Mar 20, 2010
Mar 21, 2010
Mar 22, 2010
Mar 23, 2010
Mar 24, 2010
Mar 25, 2010
Mar 26, 2010
Mar 27, 2010
Mar 28, 2010
Mar 29, 2010
Mar 30, 2010
Mar 31, 2010
Apr 1, 2010
Apr 2, 2010
Apr 3, 2010
Apr 4, 2010
Apr 5, 2010
Apr 6, 2010
Apr 7, 2010
Apr 8, 2010
Apr 9, 2010
Apr 10, 2010
Apr 11, 2010
Apr 12, 2010
Apr 13, 2010